The Fortune India

Working together for a social cause

Public Financing India, Consulting & Advisory organization, public relations and engagements, Education, Community Health, Sustainable Livelihood Development, Infrastructure Development,

In India, over 21 million people are belonging from economically lower class. This is equivalent to 2.1% of the population. With a vision to empower the people of such category and enhance the socio-economic status of the people, Public Financing India, laid its foundation in the sector of Corporate Social Responsibility. Public Financing India provides education support to children, Medical Support to patient suffering from any major Disease, etc.

By associating with Public Financing India on the CSR front, our corporate partners support our projects and ensure their continuous operation, fulfilling their social responsibility. These partnerships largely aid in the implementation of Public Financing India initiatives, their sustainability, upscaling, and geographical expansion. Public Financing India, with the help of its CSR allies, is positive of accomplishing its goals and help in building a country where persons from lower economical background enjoy equal rights.


Public Financing India is a Consulting & Advisory organization working towards developing opportunities where public relations and engagements can be improved. We work with businesses, government, social organizations, institutions, funders, innovators etc. who believe in developing and implementing sustainable models that are relevant to overcome the disparity of society.


  • To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • To achieve universal primary education
  • To promote gender equality and empower women
  • To reduce child mortality
  • To improve maternal health
  • To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
  • To ensure environmental sustainability
  • To develop a global partnership for development


We are sponsoring the following expenses as a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility activity for the people belonging to lower economic background or for the people who are hit hard in this pandemic.

We are doing this for a good purpose for the betterment of the society and we need your active cooperation on the same.



Medical expenses are the costs of diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and for the purpose of affecting any part or function of the body. These expenses include payments for legal medical services rendered by physicians, surgeons, dentists, and other medical practitioners.(Funds Allowed- Up to ₹ 5 Lakhs)


Education expenses means tuition and fees required for the enrolment or attendance of a student at an eligible educational institution, and expenses for fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses of instruction at an eligible educational institution.(Funds Allowed- Up to ₹ 6 Lakhs)


Worried about affording Marriage Expense of your Children, we are here at Rescue!(Funds Allowed- Up to ₹ 5 Lakhs)


Every now and then houses need maintenance. Home renovation (also called home remodelling) is the process of improving a broken, damaged, or outdated residential structure.(Funds Allowed- Up to ₹ 3 Lakhs)


Infrastructure development is the construction of basic foundational services in order to stimulate economic growth and quality of life improvement. (Funds Allowed- Up to ₹ 3 Lakhs)


Business finance is required for purchasing assets, goods, raw materials and for performing all other economic activities. Precisely, it is required for running all the business operations. (Funds Allowed- Up to ₹ 10 Lakhs)

Some of the Business which we fund are as follows:

  1. Beauty Parlour/ Salons
  2. Food Catering Business
  3. Tea/ Coffee Stall
  4. Ice- Cream Parlour
  5. Tailoring
  6. Tiffin Services
  7. Mobile Sales and Repair Shop
  8. Fast Food Shops
  9. Paan Centre
  10. Vegetable/ Fruit/ Flower Vendor

We assist in building models of interventions which bridge the gap between inequality to equality, unsustainable to sustainable, impractical to practical, impossible to possible. Our role includes advising stakeholders on the entire value chain and aligning them with social responsibility.

Public Financing India strongly believes that a better, more sustainable world will take shape when economically weaker communities will be equipped with basic needs and proper resources to sustain their lives and to grow. With this, they will gain the power to help themselves, their families, and so to the entire communities. This is what will lead the transformation and will create ‘The Advantaged Society.’

Recently, we have completed the funding of 500 + people from different districts of Odisha. Some of the People who have receive the Funds from us are as follows:

1. Aadhuri Behera 22040810002 Mayurbhanj Higher Education 6 Lakhs
2. Afsana Bibi 12011010006 Jagatsinghpur Higher Education 4.5 Lakhs
3. Ambika Kar 06041010367 Boudh Medical Treatment 5 Lakhs
4. Aparti Pradhan 24021610124 Nayagarh House Renovation 2.25 Lakhs
5. AruniBandichor 15011810025 Kalahandi Medical Treatment 4 Lakhs
6. Ashma Bibi 04072410061 Bhadrak Higher Education 4.6 Lakhs
7. Baidi Jani 23042110025 Nawarangpur House Renovation 2 Lakhs
8. Baijayanti Sethi 17030610293 Kendrapara Medical Treatment 3.5 Lakhs
9. Bajita Behera 08041111110 Deogarh House Renovation 2.5 Lakhs
10. Balamati Bhadra 23040410009 Nawarangpur Higher Education 4.5 Lakhs


Contact- (+91) 6366081126




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