In the dynamic landscape of international sports, Anand Jitekar, a proud son of Maharashtra, has emerged as a beacon of excellence. His extraordinary journey from...
In an extraordinary tale of determination and triumph, Pushkar Sharma, originally from India, has etched his name on the roster of the Kenyan national cricket...
In the world of sports, where determination and dedication are the keystones to success, there’s a brand that’s making waves and raising the bar for...
Hangzhou (China), October 25: Powerlifter Ashok from Haryana has made history, clinching the prestigious bronze for the nation in the 65 kg weight category at...
Hangzhou, [China], 20th October 2023: The journey of transformation, dedication, and resilience continues as Indian Kinesiologist and Coach Tanvir Logani, a leading figure in the...
New Delhi: The World’s largest women’s marathon, the Nagoya Women’s Marathon, has opened race entry for Indian women for its virtual online race. The largest...
Pune, Maharashtra (India): Rahul Ramesh Rane of Pune has been felicitated with the most prestigious Sports award of Maharashtra State – Shiv Chhatrapati Award, ‘Best...