The Fortune India

Updapt ESG Tech: Revolutionizing Data Management, Reporting & Analytics for Enterprises and Funds towards their net-zero goals

Inputs By – Kunal Raman, Director, Updapt – an ESG Tech Co

In today’s world, where sustainability is crucial, businesses are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. Studies show that companies with robust ESG strategies can see up to a 20% increase in their market valuation. Enter Updapt, a trailblazing ESG Tech Company transforming how mid to large-sized enterprises manage their ESG responsibilities. With a comprehensive suite of advanced SaaS products, Updapt empowers companies to make informed, impactful decisions on their sustainability journey.

Founded on the principles of innovation and sustainability, Updapt offers a robust suite of SaaS-based ESG solutions. These tools help enterprises and funds of all sizes effectively manage their ESG lifecycle. From carbon footprint accounting and supply chain management to risk assessment and net-zero strategies, Updapt’s technology architecture supports comprehensive ESG data management, tracking, reporting, and analytics. The tools cover over 1,000 ESG data points and integrates with more than 10 global reporting standards, ensuring thorough and compliant ESG reporting.

A cornerstone of Updapt’s offerings is its innovative approach to emission calculations. Utilizing advanced algorithms, the platform provides precise tracking of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, covering Scope 1, 2, and 3 calculations. This detailed assessment allows businesses to gauge their environmental footprint accurately and implement effective reduction strategies.

The Materiality Assessment tool is another significant feature of Updapt’s platform. It helps organizations identify and prioritize critical ESG issues relevant to their operations and stakeholders. By focusing on these material topics, businesses can align their strategies with key sustainability goals, driving substantial improvements.

Updapt’s commitment to excellence is demonstrated through its seamless integration with global reporting standards. Whether it’s BRSR, GRI, TCFD, CSRD, ESRS, or CDP, Updapt ensures that companies can generate customized reports meeting diverse regulatory and stakeholder requirements. This flexibility allows businesses to maintain transparency and credibility in their ESG disclosures.

One of the most compelling aspects of Updapt’s offering is its AI and ML-driven analytics. These advanced capabilities allow businesses to benchmark their performance against industry peers and predict future trends with remarkable accuracy. By leveraging AI and machine learning, Updapt provides deep insights and actionable data, enabling companies to stay ahead in their sustainability efforts.

Enhancing data accuracy and management efficiency, Updapt’s OCR integration digitizes and processes large volumes of unstructured data. This feature streamlines audit workflows with automated notifications and generates comprehensive, tailored audit reports. Clients have seen impressive outcomes, with the platform ensuring 100% accurate and complete ESG data, saving over 7,000 hours per year in audit management and reporting. This efficiency translates into a time saving of over 91%, allowing teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than administrative tasks. Moreover, businesses using Updapt have reported a 20%+ reduction in carbon intensity and a 12%+ reduction in hazardous waste, underscoring the platform’s significant environmental impact.

The success of Updapt is driven by its expert team and strategic partnerships. The leadership team boasts extensive experience in ESG strategy, finance, and technology, while the advisory board includes global sustainability leaders like Erik Solheim, a renowned Norwegian diplomat, and Maryam Telmesani, a serial green entrepreneur and sustainability advocate. This wealth of knowledge and expertise equips Updapt to guide businesses through the complexities of ESG compliance and sustainability reporting.

Updapt’s suite also includes specialized tools like Supply Chain Assessment for evaluating suppliers’ ESG performance, Risk Management Solution for comprehensive risk assessment, and NetZero for setting and tracking carbon reduction targets. Additionally, Updapt’s Portfolio Management tools offer dynamic ESG KPIs, due diligence, and assessments for funds and lenders, ensuring investments align with sustainability principles. The platform’s 18X faster deployment capability means businesses can quickly integrate these powerful tools and start seeing benefits almost immediately.

Updapt is not just a technology provider; it is a catalyst for sustainable change. By providing comprehensive, AI-driven ESG solutions, Updapt empowers businesses to embrace sustainability, enhance their ESG performance, and contribute to a better future. For companies looking to stay ahead in the era of sustainability, Updapt offers the tools, insights, and expertise needed to thrive.

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