Nammaweb3 is the first-ever ground-breaking web3 event in Chennai, produced by Namma Tribe and Colours of India. This event aims to showcase the technology of...
Mohanbabu Velusamy is a visionary blockchain architect and Metaverse and Web3 environmental protocol designer who is revolutionizing the socio-economic landscape with his innovative products and...
In just 24 hours, the Metaverse project Zepverse sold 1.4 billion of their official tender. Zep Coin is making one of the most successful ICOs ever. Based in India, Zepverse is a blockchain-based...
A term unknown to many until recently has recently been highlighted in the news and emerging technology trends: the metaverse. The Non-Fungible Token or NFT...
VistaVerse offers a complimentary Rocketry gift bundle making a powerful Impression on movie fans and NFT collectors Fans can watch the movie for free and...
H3RO3S is the world’s First Real-Life Play-2-Earn gaming platform which is targeted at the student demographic. Universities have struggled connecting with their students especially during...